BUG EYES YOU'LL NEED: Scissors 2 egg carton cups, attached Pencil 2 pipe cleaners Markers STEP 1 Cut the ends out of the egg cups to make eye holes. STEP 2 With adult help, use a pencil to poke a hole in each side of the egg cups. STEP 3 Push a pipe cleaner through the hole in each side and twist to hold. STEP 4 Curve pipe cleaners so they will fit behind your ears. Decorate your bug eyes with markers any way you like. HERE'S A FUN WAY TO READ AND LEARN MATH AT THE SAME TIME: Right in Your Own Backyard (from the "I Love Math" series) by Time-Life Books; 1993 Printed from Cool Crafts ©1994 Meredith Corporation and Multicom Publishing